Friday, March 21, 2008

thing 17

My brain is overloaded with all the possiblities of student-teacher-student interaction. I can see that by using a wiki, the students do not have access to the internet like they would have to for a blog. The students can also edit each other's work while at the same time adding their own thoughts. I can see how setting a sandbox up for the classroom would allow students to share about their personal lives, while at the same time fostering community. It would take the place of my community circle time that I dread having to hurry along each day, while still cramming in all the curriculm. The kids love sharing and I love learning about them, but we have no time to share. Setting up a sandbox could accomplish two things at one time!

1 comment:

VWB said...

Might be interesting to see how the kids handle the sandbox type of responding/communicating thoughts.