This summer we not only get to "play" with tools, but we also get tools in return. I am looking forward to our new equipment and being able to adapt it to use in the classroom.
I am really excited about Storybird. I think often students get stuck with writing because they can't come up with an idea. Storybird provides pictures for them to write stories from and use their imagination. As we consume good examples of writing I would then like to turn the kids loose on the Storybird to have them create their own writing.
I am also interested in finding some experts to connect with us on Skype. I think by realizing that classroom walls are not limited to the cement blocks that sometimes hold us in, it will allow me to expand my view of how I connect my students to others. The hardest part for me is always to take a step back from being overwhelmed by EVERYTHING I could be doing/integrating with technology and just taking "small bites" at a time. Although I have not done it yet, I would like to come up with some sort of organized type of roadmap to list concepts to teach matched with technology available.
Thanks for another great summer!