Sunday, January 27, 2008

thing # 2

What a great reminder during this time in the process of learning about the 7 Habits! This is a learning path I have chosen, not been forced to complete, so the growth will be shown based on the effort on my part in the process.

Since the above is true, I think Habit 4 is the easiest for me to use. I can have confidence in myself as a competent effective learner.

On the other hand, I feel Habit 2 and 6 go together for me. Habit 2 is accepting responsibility for your own learning and often because of time commitments, it is hard for me to stay focused. Habit 6 is using technology to your advantage, and I think that this one is hard, because I often forget how useful it can be based on the time required to plan activities using technology.


1 comment:

VWB said...

You are off to a great in accepting joining in the fun! Look forward to your thoughts about "Things!"